目前分類:房事 (our house) (4)

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I continued working on Christmas decoration at home last Sat and this Sat. Stringing the ornaments and hanging them on the tree take more time than I expected. I think I am done with it this year and will leave the rest of Christmas decoration work to next year.
The Christmas lights in our neighborhood are beautiful. I really enjoy the lights that my neighbors set up in their front yards. Out lights just look less glamorous compared with our neighbors'. 真的遜很多, see pictures below.

The blizzard is hovering over the Northwest this weekend through next weekend. The temperature will drop down to -11C tomorrow and Tue.

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

趁著這四天假, 家家戶戶開始把Christmas lights都拿出來外面裝飾, 我馬上就加入大家的行列
I think I am addicted to home decor, home improvement, and Christmas decoration.
我喜歡裝飾house外觀和廁所, 這是老公很不解的, 因為他比較重視family room,和自己在裡面看得到的地方而不是外面

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

It has been a week since we moved to our new home. We've got 70% of unpacking done and still need to work on that 30% this week.
We'd lived in the apartment for five years and never felt that we need much furniture to fill the room. With our existing furniture from the apartment, our house looked so empty. We can even hear our voice echo. Fortunately, half of the furniture we order arrived a couple of days ago. The rest is on back order but will get to us by Thanksgiving holidays.
Our house looks a little bit like a home now.

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

選了老公生日這天來搬家, 9/6 開了五個半小時終於從Seattle, WA開到Hillsboro, OR. 原本只要快4 小時的車程,因為我們開truck,所以搞得很慢, 我是開我們家的車跟著老公開的truck後面走, 這次租的truck比以前都還大, 老公開這麼大台的truck, 都沒害怕, 真厲害, 只有一次在市區轉彎, 沒算好距離,卡住了, 大大重重的truck速度無法很快, 只能保持個60 mile/hr, 又中途休息和吃個飯, 就搞了5.5hr. 搬到在Hillsboro的新家來有三天了, 很多東西還是沒收拾好, 還是很亂, 雖然這次公司給我們一比巨額的moving cash allowance, 可以讓我們請搬家公司和買全套傢俱還有剩, 但”節儉”的我們打算只用來買些傢俱, 不想拿來請搬家公司幫我們搬, 剛好老弟還在這邊, 所以就靠自己和老公和老弟三個人搬, 因為想說反正我在Seattle四年內也搬了三次, 都是靠自己和朋友們, 反正苦命習慣了, 所以這次搬家就憑著窮學生訓練出來得骨氣, 自己來搬, 沒想到這次我們的東西實在太多了, 除了二個禮拜的packing, 還要在一天半短時間內要 loading up the truck, cleaning up our old apartment, and unloading the truck 搞的累得半死, 這三天在新家都在恢復元氣中, 整個人好像壞了.

昨天Comcast來裝了網路和cable, 我們收拾的速度就更慢了, Comcast cable裡面好多好看的新電影, 真是誘惑太大了, 好險我不用再當苦命PhD學生了, 可以盡情的享受這些源源不絕好看又新的電影.

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()