Kaanapali beach, Maui

Aloha~We are in Maui, Hawaii for our very belated honeymoon. I had a tough start due to allergy and jet lag. Hawaii time is 3 hours behind PST (west coast time). But not long ago, I was back on the track to enjoy this wonderful place as a curious and excited tourist. Maui is incredibly and indescribably beautiful. The water is crystal clear everywhere and the beach is super clean everywhere as well. Maui has the cleanest beaches I have ever seen.
The sunset is stunning and dazzling. We were snorkeling all day in the sea yesterday. There were many sea turtles and tropical fish swimming with us. And the coral reef of Molokini's crescent shaped crater is so so so beautiful. The ecosystem in the coral reef is really spectacular. I am so jealous that Hawaiian can enjoy beautiful Nature close at hand every day. I wish I can live here.

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It has been crazily busy at work these days. I have been so overworked and stressed out that I don't quite feel like myself lately.   I can't be more swamped and really looking forward to our trip to Maui, Hawaii in 12 days. It feels like I have so much to write but I don't know where to start.
This month we have friends coming from Vancouver,Canada to visit us and our new house. It is always nice to hang out with the old friends and chat about those good old days. And soon a member from Bread fellowship, Helen, will move to live with us for 3 months while she does intern in Intel this summer. Helen joined Bread after I left Seattle so we don't have much chance to know each other but I believe it will be a fun summer with more friends around.

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於是開車去Seattle, 玩個2天一夜,看看親愛的朋友們和老弟,吃吃好吃的食物,去Bellevue吃到了台灣小吃,
去Pike place market吃到好吃的Russian bread,回去學校看看櫻花,雖然還沒全開, 只開了2/3, 但是每次看還是都要狂拍一番,開回家之前去大華超市又大採購,扛了$186的grocery回來,

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18年後再聽到這首歌, 除了 一種說不出來的懷舊感, 以前在中學的回憶也都湧上心頭,
我是一隻小小鳥, 趙傳在1991年出的專輯, 當時候我還是國中1年級, 當時就很喜歡這首歌, 不過純粹是喜歡歌曲, 對歌詞的體會比較沒有感覺. 反正中學生就是瘋狂迷流行歌曲.

18年後, 聽到超級星光大道的參賽著張心傑在冠軍賽裡面唱我是一 隻小小鳥, 讓我想起了以前很喜愛這首歌,唯一不一樣的是, 現在的我很能體會歌詞的意境, 歌詞反應出我經歷這麼多年對生活的感觸, 尤其是在職場工作之後, 更能體會歌詞裡面所寫的苦和無奈.

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公司附近竟然開了一個badminton club, 讓我真是太開心了,
這個禮拜是第一個開幕的禮拜, 進去打球都免錢, 真是太爽了.

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做了一年半, 從來沒喜歡過我的工作, 雖然manager是個大好人,
但是工作性質實在是against my personality. 加上工作量和責任量又對女生的身體和青春是個殘害,

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今年是公司technology transfer的一年, 我們TD部門要把研發的技術transfer給公司其他的廠, 所以其他廠的engineers都進駐到TD來學習,
昨天在training 其他廠來的engineers, one of the engineers said to me "you are originally from Taiwan and you are smart. You must graduate from Tsing-Hua University (清華大學)". I was surprised to hear his comment. 我告訴他,在台灣, The smartest people graduate from Taiwan University (台灣大學). 他說, 但是Taiwan University是 Business or Law比較好, Engineering or Science是清華比較好..哈..看他這麼執著的認為清大好, 我當然是沒意見囉...:P. 看來清大的理工名聲在國外還是挺響亮的....不過不好意思其實本人沒有那麼聰明, 只是很blessed的一帆風順,

在清大待了7年也不是沒有感情的, 4年大學, 2年研究所, 1年工作.

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(frozen Trillium lake)
Our manager always says life is tough. 年紀越大,每天deal with nasty people and nasty problems at work,還有很多喇塞的事, 真的覺得life is really tough. 好希望主耶穌在我們30-40歲的時候就再來,這樣就可以把我們都接走, 我就可以跟這些討厭的事說byebye, 也不會看到肉體老化的自己, 也不會經歷病魔的折磨和肉體老化的痛苦

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第一次走在frozen lake上,Trillium Lake除了frozen以外,上面還覆蓋厚厚的雪,
完全看不出這原本是個湖, 只感覺像一大片空地,但是從旁邊的碼頭還是可以知道, We are indeed walking ON Trillium Lake!!!很特別的感覺,雖然知道湖已經結冰成一塊大冰塊, 並且還覆蓋很厚的雪, 但是一開始走在上面心裡還是毛毛的,
突然想到聖經裡面Jesus walks on the water的經文,和當時門徒Peter表現的little faith,

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