目前分類:懷孕 (pregnancy) (24)

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好久沒寫blog了, 日子越來越忙,人也越來越懶. 


1. 2011去年12月我們帶18個月大的Chloe飛去德州的San Antonio玩了一個星期

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

(Chloe剛從媽媽肚子裡出來的樣子, 正在看著我, Chloe皮膚好好喔~白裡透紅, 我還躺在手術台上被縫針)

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(4) 人氣()

(Chloe is 1 day old, 剛出生那天)

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

(38 weeks and 1 day pregnant)

我一直以為小李子轉頭了, 因為常常覺得胃被"踢"得很痛, 誰知道其實是她在打拳擊.....

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(8) 人氣()

因為天生大捲髮所以很討厭捲髮, 懷第一胎的時候在36 weeks的時候燙了離子燙

這一胎, 懷孕24 weeks就燙了

因為我的OB doctor還有醫院發的資訊都說懷孕其間燙頭髮是OK的, 不會對胎兒有影響, 美國醫生果然不像台灣醫生顧忌比較多.

所以我就放膽早早去燙頭法了, 燙完頭髮心情也會比較好

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<�老朋友在memorial day long weekend的拜訪, I am 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant>

Sat--我們在memorial day long weekend 搞了一個BBQ party in the back yard, 邀請了同事和以前Seattle團契的朋友們和現在團契朋友一起來同樂, 老公自創醃醬醃Pork chop, ribs, and chicken還是超好吃,  每種肉醃醬都不一樣喔.  大家也都帶一些甜點和水果和蔬菜, 下了 一個星期的雨, 都五月底都還冷颼颼的天氣在星期六下午也放晴了,溫暖了一點, 讓我們烤肉很順利進行 ( 氣象報告說今年五月是歷年來最冷的五月)

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<�小鈦 (Titanium silver minivan) 的帥照>

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<�欣賞一下我們四月去woodenshoe tulip farm, Oregon>

自從在懷孕16 weeks的時候寫了一篇懷孕的雜記part 1, 一直到現在進入30 weeks了才寫第二篇,

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We went to Horsetail trail again but we hiked further into the mountain this time. My back and butt were so sore from hiking. We spent 3.5 hour but we were only half way through the entire trail. 
這次爬了3.5hour, 屁股和背都痠痛, 但還沒走到底, 決定放棄, 我看要走完, 可能要花一天,
我想3.5hr對孕婦來說可能太多了, 加上今天後段的山路好陡啊, 爬得我快累死了....連老公都累死了, 我這孕婦還真能撐.

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I am losing the brain cells according to the research study. No wonder I am more forgetful than before and my brain has difficulty functioning these days. I want my brain cells back!!!!! Blame it all on the baby....
難怪人家都說懷孕會變笨..原來是荷爾蒙在消耗brain cells, 要等到生完小孩才會恢復,
對一個在研發部混的工程師來說, 這也太殘忍了吧!!

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

I have requested Chiayi to take me to different places to hike every weekend. So little Lee and I both can exercise and enjoy the beauty of nature. 這星期六難得天氣好, 我們就去Columbia Gorge的Horsetial trail爬山, 爬了2.5小時. 星期天又去IKEA逛了3小時, 為了要買baby nursery 的家具所以先去看看他們的showroom增加ideas, 除了看baby的家具, 還看上了不少entertainment center的家具來增加我們的family room的擺設. 等到下禮拜拿到公司發的bonus就要送錢給IKEA了....

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Little Lee's organs and limbs all look normal and healthy in the 40min ultrasound (so detailed!!). It is such a relief to us.  We see the beating heart with 4 chambers, brain, spine, bladder, kidney, hands, face, arms, legs, and feet. And... we also know the gender of the baby. Just like what we thought...hehehehehehe....*^O^*happy...We have a girl!!

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I was told that I'd better sign up for pregnancy/parenting classes earlier as they tend to be filled quickly.  So, today I have browsed the classes offered by Providence St. Vincent hospital and registered for 3 classes, childbirth preparation, breastfeeding preparation, and newborn care.  There are still few more classes I would like to register for but I am trying to get the most out of it without spending too much money as you know these classes are expensive.  The classes are designed for the couple, which means my hubby gotta go with me and we will both learn in the same class.
The benefit of attending these parenting classes not only helps us learn but gives us the chance to meet with other couples who have newborn babies.  And we can still get together and exchange the parent experience with one another even though the class is over.

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I am not such a waiter and we are going to find out the gender of the baby on 1/19. But the people around me told me not to.
我周圍當上爸媽的同事們(美國, 歐洲, 印度, 加拿大人)都說他們都不想事先知道, 因為他們都是要孩子生出來再知道的驚喜,
They said it is like they don't want to open the gift to find out what it is inside until 10 month later. After 10 month of waiting and expecting, it will be truly a surprise when you open the gift.
看來台灣人的文化跟國外真不一樣.可能是Chinese比較重男輕女的關係吧,想先知道是不是男的, 在台灣有不少歐巴桑和歐西桑都這有這樣觀念,

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

這週進入17 week, 其實過了12week以後, 就不再那麼愛睡, 精神很好, 胃口也很好(但是還是挑食, 不吃海鮮包括魚類,羊肉, 鴨肉和內臟都不吃, 牛肉只會吃一丁點, 沒辦法, 從小到大都這樣),,身體沒有任何不舒服,常常想出去玩. 有時候會發奇想, 就會問老公說"我真的有懷孕嗎?" 因為Little Lee實在是讓我太舒服了,除了日漸變大的胸部和肚子, 因為沒有任何不舒服, 常常我會忘記自己有懷孕...
看看跟我同期懷孕的同事天天在那乾嘔來乾嘔去, 聞到廚房或菜味就吐, 真的無法體會那種感覺, sorry lar. 就像以前讀書看到其他女同學經痛的死去活來, 我也是完全無法體會.內心想著有那麼嚴重嗎 ?

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15 weeks

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因為唐氏症是一種基因的疾病, 是沒有藥可以醫治的, 所以並不會因為提早發現, 可以提早治療.
加上不管抽血或是羊膜穿刺都只是驗"機率", 所以做出來結果只是告訴你, baby得到唐氏症機率是 80% or 60%. 而且驗血的準確度只有80%, 只告訴你60%機率有唐氏症 (發生機率60%X80%=48%), 或是80%有唐氏症 (發生機率80%X80%=64%), 並不是一個positive or negative的答案, 雖然羊膜穿刺比驗血準確度高, 可以有高達90%以上的準確度, 但是當媽媽的都願意為這種數據來拿掉小孩??
我好奇, 如果你都已經三個多月以上的身孕 (唐氏篩檢通常是4個月之後), 就算驗到自己baby有高機率會有唐氏症, 那你會怎麼做呢? 墮胎而放棄這個生命嗎? ( 其實懷孕超過3個月以上墮胎, 母體的危險也變大) 還是知道結果後,選擇讓你剩下孕期很沮喪不快樂的把小孩懷長大? 還是賭賭看"不是唐氏症"的機率?

愛跑步的媽咪 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Lee Jr. has grown from 3.55cm to 6.65 cm in 3 weeks. The sex of the baby is still unknown. The OB doctor said it needs 3 more weeks to tell the sex.
Our three-week vacation in Taiwan is ending. We are flying back to the U.S. today. The following OB visits and ultrasounds will be done in St. Vincent (Providence) hospital.  We'll wait for our US OB doctor to resolve the sex of Lee.Jr.

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The first time we met is thru ultrasound done in Taiwan. It is so amazing to see and hear our baby's heartbeat in the ultrasound.
第一次見到小李子是回到台灣做超音波. 在ultrasound看到又聽到小李子的心跳, 好奇妙喔....
The regular ultrasound alone costs $350~800(自費,out of pocket) in the U.S. varying with the hospitals before 18 weeks as the insurance usually doesn't cover the ultrasound fee before 18 weeks. But in Taiwan, ultrasound is like a free gift (扮手禮). They take ultrasound whenever you go to see OB doctor and only charge exam fee which is only US $12 dolllars (還是自費價,out of pocket). I LOVE the medical system in Taiwan!!

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不同時間測了二根pregnancy tests都是positive. Sept 2009 :)
感謝大家的關心, 小女子不忍心隱瞞太久,

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