Dear all
My dad will be discharged from hospital tomorrow (Yes, on Christmas). All the tubes have been removed from his body since Wed. So now he can walk faster when he practices walking. I am very grateful to the Lord that my dad has been so blessed. He has recovered very well. It has been only 7 days since his bypass surgery. 尤其是知道what was really happening.
目前分類:家人 (family) (8)
- Dec 25 Fri 2009 01:54
My best Christmas gift ever!! Thank you all for your prayers.
- Dec 19 Sat 2009 14:00
Prayer works wonders
12/19 Taiwan time
My dad is getting better and better on the 2nd day after the bypass surgery and postoperative hemorrhage. Although several parts of his body are still intubated, he is able to talk and chew guava pieces after the tube is removed from his mouth. He will get off bed to practice walking later today. Prayer works wonders. Thanks the Lord, Jesus. I am grateful and joyful that God takes good care of my family in Taiwan while I am in the U.S.Thank you all for your constant prayers.
- Dec 18 Fri 2009 12:44
After the bypass surgery 傷口大失血, 感謝主在此事上掌權
12/17 (Taiwan time) 台灣時間
2 hours after the bypass surgery (while I slept in Pacific time), his surgery wound couldn't stop bleeding as my dad takes aspirin regularly for his heart and aspirin is known for its anti-coagulant (making blood hard to coagulate). He lost excessive blood (about 2 buckets of blood) from the surgery wound per my mom. The doctor transfused a lot of blood to him and gave him an injection of hemostatic. The doctor said if my dad continued to lose so much blood after the injection, they would need to perform another surgery. My mom and uncle were scared to death. They doubted my dad will survive another surgery as he looked so weak. Thanks the Lord for taking control of Dad's condition!! The bleeding situation gets under control after the injection of hemostatic. But he was very week and only could open his eyes for few seconds last night.
在美國這邊我已經入睡的時間, 爸爸手術2個小時後, 傷口大出血不止, 因為平常爸爸有在吃阿斯匹林,阿斯匹林會讓血不容易凝結,媽媽說流了二桶的血, 有緊急輸血, 但是失血嚴重, 醫生說如果打了止血劑還繼續大失血需要重新開刀, 我媽媽和叔叔都快嚇昏了,因為他們看到爸爸已經如此虛弱, 怎麼可能再經歷一次手術, 感謝主在此事上掌權, 後來打了止血劑, 失血控制住了, 不需要重新開刀.
- Dec 18 Fri 2009 12:43
After 7.5 hour surgery today, my father has been moved from the operation room to ICU. The surgeon said the bypass operation went very well. Thanks the Lord for blessing and grace upon my father and giving peace to my family. And thank you all for your prayers. I really appreciate it.
God bless,
- Dec 18 Fri 2009 12:42
我爸爸在台南市立醫院, 他的主刀醫師是成大醫院來的阮俊能.
我不知道星期四早上幾點動刀, 因為他們星期三晚上開的會, 因為手術時間很長, 所以我想應該是當天第一刀 感謝浸信會牧師和Bread團契好友蔚婷星期三晚上也去了醫院帶 著我爸媽和我叔叔一起禱告, 感謝神眷顧我們的家人, 讓爸爸在禱告後, 心裡有平安不再恐懼, please pray for his surgery.
- Dec 18 Fri 2009 12:39
praying for Dad's bypass surgery
Please pray for my dad. He is going to have a coronary artery bypass surgery (心臟繞道手術) on his heart tomorrow (Thursday morning in Taiwan). Two coronary arteries of his heart are clogged badly so the doctor suggests bypass surgery is needed instead of angiogram and stent (心導管和支架) to prolong his life. The open-heart surgery is going to take 7-8 hour. I couldn't postpone my stay in Taiwan as all the seats are sold out until mid Jan. My brother is trying to get a flight ticket to Taiwan though the chance is also very slim.
My mom and uncle will be with my dad in the hospital during surgery.
So I am praying for a Christmas miracle. Please pray that the doctor will perform a successful open-heart surgery on my father and he will receive the peace from God to overcome his fear. thanks
- Oct 15 Sun 2006 06:38
意外的在一天內寫好了proposal for Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) 的實驗, 經過幾次寫proposals for experiments in ALS National Lab, Berkeley and scholarship 的經驗, 真是越寫越順了, 真的轉大人了, 開心 昨晚做了個夢, 夢到爸爸, 媽媽, 弟弟都跟我來到Seattle 的ski resort, 早上大家在住的木屋外看一夜突然下雪而積的雪景, 一面欣賞美景一面要照全家福團體照, 後來莫名其妙推雪機竟然跑來, 把我們木屋附近的雪都推走了, 讓我很傷心, 大叫阻止 後來發現是一場夢, 嗯..我想家了..希望一月能可以順利挪出時間回台灣看看家人, 也希望可以帶爸媽一起出國玩