2017 三月春假, 帶孩子們去San Diego玩, 去了Legoland, Sea World, San Diego Zoo, USS Midway 航空母艦, 每天走整天的斷腳行程, 大人累慘了, 小孩很開心.
南加州每天豔陽四射, 讓從陰鬱Oregon來的我們, 感覺每天都很開心, 在San Diego 一個禮拜的行程, 吸收了約在Oregon一年可以接受的維他命D.
2017 三月春假, 帶孩子們去San Diego玩, 去了Legoland, Sea World, San Diego Zoo, USS Midway 航空母艦, 每天走整天的斷腳行程, 大人累慘了, 小孩很開心.
南加州每天豔陽四射, 讓從陰鬱Oregon來的我們, 感覺每天都很開心, 在San Diego 一個禮拜的行程, 吸收了約在Oregon一年可以接受的維他命D.
We spent our white Christmas holidays in Mt. Bachelor, Bend. 我們帶著18個月大的Chloe和朋友們總共七個人一起租了一個ski house,
朋友他們去滑雪場滑雪, 我們帶著Chloe去snow park 滑雪橇.
Kaanapali beach, Maui
Aloha~We are in Maui, Hawaii for our very belated honeymoon. I had a tough start due to allergy and jet lag. Hawaii time is 3 hours behind PST (west coast time). But not long ago, I was back on the track to enjoy this wonderful place as a curious and excited tourist. Maui is incredibly and indescribably beautiful. The water is crystal clear everywhere and the beach is super clean everywhere as well. Maui has the cleanest beaches I have ever seen.
The sunset is stunning and dazzling. We were snorkeling all day in the sea yesterday. There were many sea turtles and tropical fish swimming with us. And the coral reef of Molokini's crescent shaped crater is so so so beautiful. The ecosystem in the coral reef is really spectacular. I am so jealous that Hawaiian can enjoy beautiful Nature close at hand every day. I wish I can live here.
Christmas trip的第一天, 這一天大部份開車時間在Oregon, 車子一開過Portland沒多久, 就是大雪粉飛, 路況不好, 路面很滑, 所以我們趕快就上chains了
從氣象報導就得知西部得州從Oregon東邊到Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, 都是路況不是很好, 下面圖red caution的routes不然就是orange的poor condition, 也就是我們要旅程的途經
下面白茫茫的照片是在Eastern Oregon, I-84 highway路況不好, 停在路旁上chains, 隔壁車停下來上chains的美國人真是猛, 竟然穿短袖, 以前在學校就常常都碰到明明冷的要死, 還穿短袖短褲的美國人,
二人的八天的 road trip前天結束了, It's time to get back to reality.
黃石公園的大小有三分之一到二分之一個台灣大, 大部份主要位於Wyoming, 北邊部份在Montana, 西邊部份在Idaho
Yellowstone真的是美得跟仙境一樣, 奇特得冰河和地底火山地形, 造成很多地表奇特的景觀,
It is full of Science. 真有趣, 我們還去了接著Yellowstone National Park 南邊的Grand Teton National Park, Grand teton也是非常美, full of 冰河切割過的山
Road trip plan
We are taking the blue route to stop in Boise, Idaho for 3 nights and meet with Micron Tech people and Christina. It'll take 8 hours to get to Boise from Seattle (of course, by car and no stop). Then we'll continute to take I 84 (blue route) to Yellowstone, Wyoming. It'll take another 6 hours from Boise to Yellowstone. The first night in yellowstone we will camp in Madison campground (close to west entracne of the park). The following nights we'll camp in Grant Village campground, Bridge bay campground, and Canyon campground. In our return trip, we will leave from the north entrance of the park and enter Montana taking I90 (purple route) to drive back to Seattle.
Trip starts: Washington, Idaho, Wyoming (total estimate time: 14 hours, no stop)
我和學弟在從Berkeley national hell 終於做完實驗, 逃出來之後, 在回Seattle之前, 我們進San Francisco玩
第一天二個人忘了帶買好的map出門,但又不想再買map, 所以靠著感覺explore SF , 當然常常end up getting lost
不過還是 had a lot of fun. 下來Berkeley這麼多次, 這是第一次可以留下來二天去SF好好玩
不過一個不吃seafood的我和對shrimp 過敏的學弟, 在fisherman's wharf 要找個地方吃還真困難