12/17 (Taiwan time) 台灣時間
2 hours after the bypass surgery (while I slept in Pacific time), his
surgery wound couldn't stop bleeding as my dad takes aspirin regularly
for his heart and aspirin is known for its anti-coagulant (making blood
hard to coagulate). He lost excessive blood (about 2 buckets of blood)
from the surgery wound per my mom. The doctor transfused a lot of blood
to him and gave him an injection of hemostatic. The doctor said if my
dad continued to lose so much blood after the injection, they would
need to perform another surgery. My mom and uncle were scared to death.
They doubted my dad will survive another surgery as he looked so weak.
Thanks the Lord for taking control of Dad's condition!! The bleeding
situation gets under control after the injection of hemostatic. But he
was very week and only could open his eyes for few seconds last night.
在美國這邊我已經入睡的時間, 爸爸手術2個小時後, 傷口大出血不止, 因為平常爸爸有在吃阿斯匹林,阿斯匹林會讓血不容易凝結,媽媽說流了二桶的血, 有緊急輸血, 但是失血嚴重, 醫生說如果打了止血劑還繼續大失血需要重新開刀, 我媽媽和叔叔都快嚇昏了,因為他們看到爸爸已經如此虛弱, 怎麼可能再經歷一次手術, 感謝主在此事上掌權, 後來打了止血劑, 失血控制住了, 不需要重新開刀.
12/18 (Taiwan time) 台灣時間
The latest update for my dad this morning (Friday morning in Taiwan)--
My mom, aunt, and uncle just visited my dad in the hospital. They said
my dad is conscious and looks active this morning, which is much much
much better than last night. He is able to hold my aunt's hand firmly.
But he still needs to be observed in ICU. Please continue to pray for
my father for a smooth recovery.
剛剛得知最新消息, 媽媽, 姑姑和叔叔剛從醫院探訪回來, 他們說爸爸今天看起來氣色很好. 比較有精神,
還秀出自己可以緊緊握住姑姑的手, 比昨天晚上好太多了, 但是他還是需要繼續在加護病房內繼續觀察.
請大家繼續為爸爸禱告, 謝謝
- Dec 18 Fri 2009 12:44
After the bypass surgery 傷口大失血, 感謝主在此事上掌權