
另人很擔憂的新聞竟然在台灣是被埋沒在一堆政治社會新聞裡, 在New York Times, 是放在Technology 的cover, 這麼重要的新聞竟然也沒放在頭條

現在南極上空的臭氧破洞比一個北美州還大了, >
難道Ozone hole 沒在北半球, 就這麼沒受到關心嗎? 曾經有醫生說到澳州和紐西蘭皮膚癌人數的比例比其他國家高很多, 就是南極上空一直以來的臭氧破洞, 澳州和紐西蘭的人被照射的UV量是其他國家人的好幾倍以上, 加上外國人又愛曬太陽, 比較不幸的澳州人和紐西蘭人若愛曬太陽 就會比其他國家人得skin cancer的機率高很多, 看了一下調查, 在Australia, skin cancer 的比例真的是佔所有cancers 的81% 都是因為overexposure to UV which should be significantly reduced by ozone layer. 比例高的 好嚇人喔~~

現在臭氧破洞在南極上空竟然變大, 破到大過一個北美州這麼大, (一個North America的大小= Canada + USA), 這應該要讓住在地球上的我們, 很擔心才是阿! 但是這則新聞卻被這麼不重視, 也沒聽到政府教育民眾對造成臭氧殺手Chlorine chemical 的認識, 大聲呼籲督促檢查工廠Chlorine chemicals 的用量

個人可以產生的Chlorine 有 pesticides, refrigerants, and antifreeze

大量產生Chlorine的地方 : The largest users of chlorine are companies that make ethylene dichloride and other chlorinated solvents, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resins, chlorofluorocarbons, and propylene oxide. Paper companies use chlorine to bleach paper. Water and wastewater treatment plants use chlorine to reduce water levels of microrganisms that can spread disease to humans (disinfection).

Exposure to chlorine can occur in the workplace or in the environment following releases to air, water, or land. People who use laundry bleach and swimming pool chemicals containing chlorine products are usually not exposed to chlorine itself. Chlorine is generally found only in industrial settings.

政府應該做好積極檢查製造Chlorine的工廠, 管理他們對Chlorine的處理

下面新聞是從NY TIMES來的,

A reocrd of Ozone hole

The hole that forms in the atmosphere's protective ozone layer over Antarctica each September reached record dimensions in recent weeks, federal scientists said. It exceeded 10.6 million square miles in late September, an area larger than North America, and ozone concentrations plunged to a record low in the middle of the gap early this month. The hole, actually a broad region of reduced ozone levels, occurs when Freon and similar synthetic chemicals, in concert with frigid air and ice clouds in the upper atmosphere at the poles, destroy ozone molecules.

Ozone hole over South Pole growing

According to scientists from both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the ozone hole over Antarctica is getting wider and deeper.

The Ozone Monitoring Instrument on NASA's Aura satellite determined that the hole over the South Pole was 10.6 million square miles between September 21 and 30 of this year, according to a joint announcement from the two groups.

That is the largest average ever observed, according Paul Newman, a scientist with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. (The largest single day occurrence was 11.4 million square miles on Sept. 9, 2000.)

The ozone layer over Antarctica, according to the statement, was aggravated by high levels of chlorine chemicals about 12.4 miles from the Earth's surface. The data was based on observations made by the Aura in September, as well as natural weather fluctuations in the Antarctic stratosphere.

The ozone layer is also getting significantly thinner and patchy, according to NOAA scientists.

Dobson Units (DU), the measurement of ozone thickness, plunged from an average of 300 DU over the South Pole in mid-July to 93 DU on Oct. 9, according to measurements taken from NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory. Some areas that were at 125 DU in July and August, measured a record low of 1.2 DU.

"These numbers mean the ozone is virtually gone in this layer of the atmosphere," said David Hofmann, director of the Global Monitoring Division at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, in the statement.

The joint report noted that the ozone situation is not a complete surprise.

The 2006 World Meteorological Organization/United Nations Environment Programme Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion concluded that despite efforts made as part of the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to reduce the world's ozone-depleting gases, the ozone layer will not completely recover from past pollution until 2065.

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