

I would especially like to thank my advisors Professors Fumio Ohuchi and Marjorie Olmstead for being great mentors on my research, for shaping me to be professional, and for providing constant support through my graduate study.

I would like to thank all my committee members, Professor Thomas G. Stoebe, Dr. Toyochiro Chikyow, and Professor Bruce Darling for invaluable and fruitful discussion with me. Special thanks goes to Drs. Jonathan Adams, Taisuke Ohta, Diedrich Schmidt for instructing me to gain know-how during the experiments, Dr. Qiuming Yu for helping on Omicron system, priceless discussion and moral support, Dr. Jonathan Adams again for taking invaluable data set that I have used in this research.

I would also like to give special thanks to Drs. Ken Beck and Alan Jolly for their kindly help on the PEEM experiment in EMSL, PNNL, and Dr. Eli Rotenberg for generously offering his equipments for me to do research in BL. 7.01, ALS at Berkeley. I also thank Patrick Shamberger for 2D-XRD measurement and analysis, Shutthanandan Vaithiyalingam for RBS measurement and analysis, Tracy Lovejoy, Kunakorn Poochinda, and Esmeralda Yitamben for their tremendous help on the experiments.

I give thanks to God who never leave me alone while I stumble and struggle. I am grateful to God for granting me comfort, strength, and wisdom when times were tough. Sincere thanks goes to all the people who helped to keep me going, especially friends in Bread fellowship. They make Seattle a sweet home to me. Finally, I would like to thank my husband, Chia-Yi Lee for his love, understanding, and support throughout the entire journey.

This work was supported by NSF grant DMR 0102427, 0605601, and M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust. Some of the research was pursued at the Advanced Light Source, which is supported by the DOE under contract DE-AC02-05CH11231.

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