
It has been a hectic week. I was covering one of my colleagues this week. With heavy workload I already have, covering my colleague while he is on vacation is actually rubbing salt into the wound. Well...look on the bright side. He will be covering me while I am away. He is actually paying back more as I will be in Taiwan for 16 days!!!
The day I will set off to Taiwan is getting closer and closer. I am getting more and more excited. It has been 3 years since I went back to Taiwan last time.
I made a list of things I am going to do, friends I need to meet, places I want to go, and food I crave to eat. A long list like this makes our 16 day trip seem so short.
Things are just about all prepared though packing and some shopping still need to be done prior to us leaving on Tuesday (Sept 9).
Lotti will be taken to the boarding. We found a nice and comfy kennel for her. Hope she won't be howling and crying too much while we are away.
Taiwan, here we come!!

Portland....>Seattle (Sept 9 , Alaska Airline); Seattle (Sept 10).....>Taipei (Sept 11) (Eva Airline)
Taipei.....>Seattle (Sept 26, Eva Airline); Seattle.....>Portland (Sept 26, Alaska Airline).

    創作者 愛跑步的媽咪 的頭像


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