I understand I should have started working on the annual assessment early and I should work on it harder.
But I have been draggin my feet for 2 weeks cause I don't like looking back and writing the tedious things.
It will be due by end of this week. And our raise will be based on this assessment. So I'd better work on it harder and get it done quickly.
要來認真回顧 2009年在公司幹了什麼好事, 好讓2010年可以多加薪一點. 多賺點小李子的尿布錢
But I have been draggin my feet for 2 weeks cause I don't like looking back and writing the tedious things.
It will be due by end of this week. And our raise will be based on this assessment. So I'd better work on it harder and get it done quickly.
要來認真回顧 2009年在公司幹了什麼好事, 好讓2010年可以多加薪一點. 多賺點小李子的尿布錢