
Chloe's 3 month checkup was done with the community health nurse. The nurse from department of health comes to our home to check the baby on a regular basis.
Thanks to the free service that our county provides us.
So Chloe has the checkups with the nurse at 1M, 3M, 5M, 7M...and so on and the checkups with the pediatrician at 2 M, 4M, 6M,...and so on.
This way, she can be checked every month.
Height: 24 1/2 inches (90%) Weight: 14 lbs 9oz (93%) Head Circumference: 41.3 cm (89%).
The nurse was very impressed and commended that my breastfeeding is really successful.
時光飛逝, Chloe今天就三個月大了, Chloe的身高, 體重, 頭圍 跟美國babies比都拿到90%的高分. 我看以後可以去打WNBA了.
明天我也要回去上班了, 我想一定會很不適應. 和baby相處了這三個月都是時時刻刻在一起的, 之後要回去上班, 就只有晚上才可能看到baby, 不過我決定, 星期四和星期五 lunch break的時候要跑回家看Chloe. 以後下班也要早早落跑回家趕快跟Chloe見面.