- Apr 03 Sat 2010 03:42
懷孕雜記 part 2
- Mar 19 Fri 2010 01:27
San Diego_Day 2, our last vacation before the baby is born
- Mar 18 Thu 2010 12:32
San Diego-Day 1, our last vacation before the baby is born
- Mar 14 Sun 2010 12:41
Cherry Blossom at downtown Portland
- Feb 20 Sat 2010 11:48
Our 6th Anniversary -Feb 20
- Feb 06 Sat 2010 12:05
22 week_further into the mountain

We went to Horsetail trail again but we hiked further into the mountain this time. My back and butt were so sore from hiking. We spent 3.5 hour but we were only half way through the entire trail.

這次爬了3.5hour, 屁股和背都痠痛, 但還沒走到底, 決定放棄, 我看要走完, 可能要花一天,
我想3.5hr對孕婦來說可能太多了, 加上今天後段的山路好陡啊, 爬得我快累死了....連老公都累死了, 我這孕婦還真能撐.
- Feb 04 Thu 2010 13:41
Brain-cell loss
I am losing the brain cells according to the research study. No wonder I am more forgetful than before and my brain has difficulty functioning these days. I want my brain cells back!!!!! Blame it all on the baby....
難怪人家都說懷孕會變笨..原來是荷爾蒙在消耗brain cells, 要等到生完小孩才會恢復,
對一個在研發部混的工程師來說, 這也太殘忍了吧!!
難怪人家都說懷孕會變笨..原來是荷爾蒙在消耗brain cells, 要等到生完小孩才會恢復,

對一個在研發部混的工程師來說, 這也太殘忍了吧!!
- Jan 29 Fri 2010 01:36
自從2009年三月公司律師送出我的綠卡申請後,等了9個月, 綠卡第一階段終於得到approved了,目前進入第二階段 I-140,
這次有一個文件是要在台灣的birth certificate,
我是在屏東外婆家生的, 但是一個月大後是被爸媽帶回台南(因為爸媽住台南),所以在台南登記的戶口,也所以戶口名簿上面寫的出生地是台南,
- Jan 25 Mon 2010 12:31
Hiking in Horsetail trail.

I have requested Chiayi to take me to different places to hike every weekend. So little Lee and I both can exercise and enjoy the beauty of nature. 這星期六難得天氣好, 我們就去Columbia Gorge的Horsetial trail爬山, 爬了2.5小時. 星期天又去IKEA逛了3小時, 為了要買baby nursery 的家具所以先去看看他們的showroom增加ideas, 除了看baby的家具, 還看上了不少entertainment center的家具來增加我們的family room的擺設. 等到下禮拜拿到公司發的bonus就要送錢給IKEA了....